Personal Watermelon
The sticker on this watermelon identifies it as a "Personal Mini Seedless" watermelon. Never seen or heard of these before. The sticker says Florida on it, so presumably that is where it was grown. Or imported to.
About the size of a cantelope. The fruit was bright red and very firm.
Which is good. However, it was not very sweet. Which is not so good. Just having a watermelon to contemplate, analyze, and consume in January is worth the $3.50 price tag. (which I thought was reasonable)
Had this been an exceptionally sweet watermelon, (like an above average summer melon), I would happily pay $10.00 for one. So I thought $3.50 was a deal. (actually Jim and Jenny got it for me)
But I'm just sayin.....
FYI, on my last trip into civilization, they were all out of these. The plan was to buy three of them, and see if any of them were sweeter, but it just didn't work out as planned.
Have you ever juiced a watermelon? When I lived in Texas, there was a shop that juiced fresh watermelons--nothing more refreshing!
I have never juiced a watermelon. Hmmm...sounds like it has great potential. Thats all the motivation I need to go out and purchase a juicer !!
You seem to have a severe infatuation vith ze vatermelon. Tell me vhy you hate your mother...
I can field this one..... Argentitus mandiblus non leagus von kleinen.
Ummmm...yeah.....what you said....
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